this first picture is our no-kiddin' real first 'family' picture; on day two with myah in china. i had to add the one where she was handed to me the very first moment and then a few minutes later. i just love those and still get teary-eyed.
can it be? today (march 27th was our second anniversary of getting our most incredible daughter, miss myah hope lian gordon, from china; wow, time sure is 'a flyin!) here she is eating her pink donut for a special gotcha day breakfast. showing off her MADE IN CHINA gotcha day shirt. at school with her classmates and the goodie 'bags' (chinese carry-out-looking boxes with a chinese bracelet and fortune cookie inside) she handed out. letting go of two red balloons (two b/c we've had her two years, red balloons symbolize something in the chinese adoption world-oops, i forgot exactly what!) dinner at our favorite chinese restaurant. ending a fun day making her brother laugh, and pix from the very first gotcha day in china, then last years' first anniversary (i was SO sick from being pregnant, we didn't do anything besides take the picture) and today! thank you, Lord-for our precious daughter!
one of my OSU friends found me (we hadn't seen each other since my wedding-11 years ago!) and so on our way back home from easter, we met her and her hubby/kids for a quick dinner in OKC. here's kara and me, as well as her son cade and myah-dippin fingers in the ketchup, oh what fun, then sharing ice cream. sweet! it was fun catching up-thanks for contacting me, kara!
random shots around the house. daddy and myah playing rocket ship in their 'space suits.' bath tub pix of DADDY when he was a baby; would you say eli is a spittin' image of his daddy or WHAT?! definitely the forehead-and then kev's beautiful brown eyes...he actually looks a lot like kevin's mom, too. i love it!
all the cousins (and big sister) gather around eli the easter bunny-coloring eggs with gramma betty-karissa and her boys come to visit-grampa dwain shows eli some easter eggs-myah's pretty dress and flowers-hunka, hunka daddy and handsome little dude in their easter clothes-hallelujah, Jesus lives! oh happy day!
myah's school put on a community easter egg hunt. train ride with daddy, blowing bubbles, pix with the easter bunny and then a hot dog dinner, complete with cheetos-obviously (check out her cheeks!). we're heading to oklahoma tomorrow to do easter with my family-more pix to follow... happy easter everyone-praise God He sent His son to die upon that cross, and then to RISE AGAIN on that wonderful easter morning! thank you Jesus!!!