hello, friends-i'm posting with a very heavy heart today.
please pray for both of these sweet, young families...
on september 22 a friend of a friend died just a week after giving birth to her miracle baby girl Chloe. Sara Sullivan, the mom had been going thru chemo during her whole pregnancy-and praise the Lord, Chloe was born-early and tiny-but yet unaffected by the chemo! she stayed in the hospital for about a week and then, once she was home-all was well. yes, Sara still had her breast cancer to deal with, but a huge milestone had been reached-that their first baby was born healthy! Brad, Sara's husband said those first two days home were the happiest he'd ever seen his wife-until she had a seizure. you can read all about it on their blog-but the bottom line is that Sara died the next morning, at only 28 years old.
i beg you to read the story at their blogsite; http://bandssullivan.blogspot.com Brad, the daddy, has kept their blog going and it's obvious what a Godly, mature young man he is. Once you get to their blog, go on the right-hand side and click on a previous month so that you'll be able to read their journey as it unfolds. it is a wonderful story and God shines thru it in a mighty way-that's the only way i am able to rejoice over Sara's death; b/c God has moved thru HUNDREDS b/c of her life.
please be praying for Brad and his sweet baby Chloe.
again, another young military couple whom we never met, but have mutual friends through...and unbelievably, good friends of Brad and Sara Sullivan's...Katie Friedman gave birth to her second baby boy in Aviano, Italy this past Friday night. just a few short hours after she brought him into this world, she-the mommy (Katie) died of massive post-delivery bleeding.
i cannot believe two friends lost their lives, within just a few weeks of each other-and after giving birth. it sounds so archaic to me, but i just lean on the Lord and have to force myself to TRUST that His ways are more perfect than any of us can comprehend here on earth. Jesus, i ask that You move mightily thru Katie's life's story just as you have/are still doing thru Sara's.
Here's the link for that hurting family, their oldest child is only 22 months and you know he is wondering where his mommy is-he's missing her so much! please pray! http://www.babyhomepages.net/friedmanfamily/index.php
(don't be confused when you first get to this link, for the birth announcement of their now two year old son is at the very top. just keep scrolling down and you'll be able to read/see more.)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
remember how i've said when i'm typing up what i want the post to say-it comes out one way, the way i want it-but as soon as it actually posts, it's all wrong. well, that's what you're about to see again. i wanted all the text at the very top; instead it's in the middle and then broken up-under the wrong pictures, even. sorry. hope you enjoy the pix. oh yeah, ethan's age this past wednesday (8 1/2 months old) was the very exact age that eli was when we found out i was already six weeks pg w/ ethan. oh my, my! i can't imagine finding out one was on the way when one was still in my arms! thank you Lord, we're not having a repeat of that at this point in the game!
so much to post!
loooong baby boy. sweet baby boy!
Monday, October 05, 2009
october laughs
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