Sunday, April 18, 2010
Myah Papaya is FIVE!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
the Montgomery Biscuits, yes, the Biscuits...hmmm...
fun days, fun days indeed!
Sunday, April 04, 2010
As a mother, it brings me to tears and makes my gut hurt to even attempt to fathom what our Heavenly Father must have gone thru as His son prayed, asking if there was any other way for this plan to play out; without Him having to be crucified...praying and sweating literal drops of blood. can you even imagine hearing your child, tormented and grieving what was about to come-and asking you if you could change it somehow????
in the bible we are told that our ways are not His ways and our thoughts are not His thoughts...i believe this was written for such tough questions as this...
but the beauty of this story is that Jesus, willingly went to the cross. willingly was bruised and beaten and killed for YOU and for ME! O Heavenly Father, my heart hurts for Yours on that dark Friday, about the 9th hour, when you had to turn Your Holy face from your one and only Son...Almighty God, i praise you and weep for the beautiful plan You orchestrated. For me, for all mankind. To save us from our sin.
Jesus, sweet Savior, i give You my life. My all. You paid it all-all for me. All, even when you were blameless and Holy and innocent. Thank You, precious, spotless lamb of God.
For it is written that on the third day, an angel of the Lord sat upon the stone that was rolled away from Jesus' tomb (don't you imagine he was about to burst just waiting for Jesus' followers to show up?!!!) and said, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? HE IS NOT HERE; HE HAS RISEN!..."
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