next is Grandma Betty's 60th surprise bday party in enid. it was so neat and she was so surprised!
after that are a few pix of us at cousin Jay's 10th bday party in Tulsa, but i was trying to get eli to sleep when all the festivities were going on, so i didn't even get one pix of the bday boy. but here are a few of us hanging out by the pool; i included one of me holding eli, just to show my 'baby bump.' :) wow! i'm showing A LOT faster this time around.
on the way to Tulsa and Enid that weekend, we stopped in Stillwater for some much needed lunch at Eskimo Joes with friends Ryan, Jody and Cale Webber. Jody is a friend of mine from college and get this: their little man, Cale was also conceived from IVF; we call Cale and Eli our pitri-dish boys. ha! here's the great part, they are pg, too-this time, completely on their own, just like us! yea God!
then there are a few pix of myah and emma; it was fun putting all their hair stuff in, but taking em out that nite wasn't as fun :)
and lastly, here's eli in his high chair playing peek-a-boo. he'll be 11 months this saturday, we can't believe it. but he is SO much fun. we just sit and laugh hearing he and myah playing and giggling together. much fun!
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