well, ethan will be seven months next week, IS THAT POSSIBLE? he already has his two bottom teeth, is very close to crawling and melts his momma's heart every day! now if we could only get him to sit up on his own! we haven't done much so far this month; kevin started 'school' on the 5th which means we're back to our normal routine of cartoons, naps, playing and pretty much staying inside. it's been pretty hot here this month and getting three little people in and out of the car alone-in this humidity-is a chore! so, we look forward to the weekends for fun stuff.
here are some 6month pix of ethan; it's a far far cry from the photos we've had taken of the kids before-from my extremely talented photographer friends, but until i find someone locally, i gotta just point and shoot on my own...
when you're done looking at these, scroll down for a few funny videos...
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