okay, so we're trying to take advantage of fun mini-vacation spots close to us, esp since we only have a few months left here-but...i think this one was the LAST ONE until ethan is much older!
we got to our hotel, let the kids play a little and then had dinner-yes! at chipotle! came back to the room and soon after hit the sack. neither myah or eli had a nap that day and ethan had only had an hour-long nap that morning...
well, all was going well til about midnite. from then til about 6am (altho it was actually 5 am to our bodies) things weren't pretty. with ethan. poor little guy has never done well in a pack n play. we even used the hotel's crib (bigger than a pack n play) and nope-it didn't work for him. kevin and i took 'shifts' in calming him down and sleeping w/ him on our chests in a chair. at one point, both myah and eli were 'sssshhhhh-ing' him from their own beds! we tried having him sleep w/ us but he was so wired, he just wanted to crawl all over the bed/sit up and look over to the other bed-hoping to find eli. needless to say, we came back a day early so we could all be in our own beds tonite and get some much-needed sleep! so once this posts, we're snoozinon! it was a fun whirlwind trip, would have liked to do/see more (esp visiting Charles Swindoll's church on sunday), but i think we'll just have to wait a while before we do any more trips that include sleeping in another bed! gooooood nite!
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