okay, so this is going to be my 'style' from now on...just upload the pix and add a little paragraph or two. not enuf time these days to sit at the computer very long.
remember when i was concerned about eli being too rough with ethan? well, it's turned out that he's not too rough, he's OVER MOTHERLY! ha! i literally have to run into the living room where the swing is-and try to beat eli to where ehtan is, cuz altho he means well, (and it actually IS sweet) ethan doesn't like his paci up his nose/in his ear, etc; nor does he like a soccer ball placed on his face. but sweet little eli has learned to shhh, shhh, shhh ethan and to also shake the swing or carseat when his little brother is crying. and he still LOVES kissing him! if he sees you coming towards him, he'll try to get in another kiss or two before running away (knowing we're about to make him stop-since it's usually when ethan's asleep. ha!)
some are pix from the sesame street show we took the big kids to. some are eli and myah playing in ethan's car seat; they're new favorite toy. and then there are pix from our nightly entertainment time: performed live by eli and myah at the dinner table; we always have LOTS of laughs!
oh and there is one of poor little eli-asleep on his closet floor. we couldn't find him and the poor little dude was asleep in there, door closed and everything! see how hard it is to keep track of three little ones?! don't worry, he DOES know how to open doors, so i know he wasn't NOT able to get out, i promise!
one more thing: had to take ethan to the doc for his constipation; YES! he, too is battling it (as did myah and eli; what's with our kids and their poop?) and at 5 weeks, he's already 12 pounds! we thought eli was big; he was 12 pounds at TWO MONTHS, yikes! we sure make some big ole boys around here! and can you believe ethan will be six weeks this friday? crazy! he's just now starting to smile, which is so neat to a mommy's heart, but we're still much-anticipating the next stage; less crying, the ability to respond to our voices, etc. thank you Jesus that this newborn stage flies by so quickly!
did i say, "a little paragraph or two." ???? :) (yes, all three kids are asleep; and i SHOULD BE!)
I'm soooo glad to see that you still have time to take these magical pictures! Good Job, Momma! It may seem like a blur right now, but one of these days you will have time to look back at these and smile. Luvubunches, me
Sweet ole Eli...he just fell asleep on the floor...God love him!
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