here's eli waiting for the trash truck out the front window; when it went away, he said 'mo' (more) and cried. ha! he's learning what dirt, motorcycle, tractor, bus, truck, choo-choo train and cars are-it's SO fun to watch him get SO excited when he sees any of these!
myah has a new favorite game; dora dominoes. after one time of losing/pouting-then having a 'talk' about how being a good sport should act...she'll now say, "it's okay if you win, i won't get mad." hee.hee. her 'report card' from school was all A+'s, so we let her choose something special she'd like for her 'reward.' she chose seeds! flower seeds! how cute is that?! (see pix below of her planting them)
kev's parents came up for the weekend, so that was fun-and there are also pix from when my dad was here; thanks again for all the help, dad! and thanks mom-in-law for mopping our kitchen!! gotta love living somewhat close to grandmas and grandpas!
1 comment:
Great pictures!
I FEEL your pain on the sleep issues. Sending some good mojo your way. I actually have some to send now that I've gotten a couple of nights rest.
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