Friday, September 07, 2007

prepin' for baby eli

here's myah and i in our matching dresses-the ones i made for my baby shower. we wore them to church the next day and just HAD to take a pix :) the background is in eli's room-kevin did the painting and our friend neal helped him with the beadboard. it looks stinkin' awesome! i think kevin's still shocked at how good it turned out; see! he's the best! cuz that room was definitely a labor of love! we've just got a few more things to hang on the walls til it's done, then i'll post pix of it.
the pix of kevin and i was after our long day of the birthing class. wow, that was already five weeks ago-time's a flyin' for sure! anyway, kevin keeps trying to tell me i need to practice my breathing; last nite, he had his boxers pulled up as high as they'd go, his t-shirt over his head like a head-dress, dancing around doing the hee-hee-hee-hoo's. cracked my butt up! he loves making me laugh, i just hope eli doesn't mind me jolting him around in there when i do! and hey, even tho i'm not practicing the breathing, kevin will be a pro! OKAY YOU nice! the one of me, yes-that's me, not a blue-striped whale, was taken just this past sunday. i'm now 36 weeks and ugh, it ain't too pretty. obviously, the water retention has set in!
i think this is going to be the last pix i post out there for all to see. and i won't EVEN tell what the scale at the doc's office said yesterday; let's just say i've more than made up for my lack of weight gain from my puke-days and the extra water weight is NOT helping. i'm only 50-60% effaced and at zero dialation. bummer.
but, eli's head-down, his heart rate is perfect and altho i'm a bit on the miserable side, he's doing great; thank you Lord! so, consider this your last pix of me like this; i'll be keeping all the rest OFF the internet :)

1 comment:

Patsy Gordon said...

Kevin and Jenn,

Baby Eli will be here soon!-not soon enough for Jenn. We can't wait. We pray everything and everyone will be OK. Eli's a comin!
I know Myah will be a good big sis. What a wonderful family.
